Henry Lawson's Childhood Home in Eurunderee NSW

Eurunderee by Henry Lawson

Sticking to My Guns Album Cover by Kieran WicksThe Guru Collection Round Rug Designer Home wares plush Indigenous design Elder MythicalpOETRY OF THE pIONEERS
One the 2nd of September 1949 a memorial of Henry Lawson's childhood home in Eurenderee was opened with great public fanfare.
Included within the program of the days event is a poem entitled (Above) Eurunderee, depicting Lawson's memories of the landscape that he called home during his youth.
There are scenes in the distance where beauty is not,
On the desolate flats where gaunt appletrees rot.
Where the brooding old ridge rises up to the breeze
From his dark lonely gullies of stringy-bark trees,
There are voice-haunted gaps, ever sullen and strange,
But Eurunderee lies like a gem in the range.
Still I see in my fancy the dark-green and blue
Of the box-covered hills where the five-corners grew;
And the rugged old sheoaks that sighed in the bend
O'er the lily-decked pools where the dark ridges end,
And the scrub-covered spurs running down from the Peak
To the deep grassy banks of Eurunderee Creek.
On the knolls where the vineyards and fruit-gardens are
There's a beauty that even the drought cannot mar;
For I noticed it oft, in the days that are lost,
As I trod on the siding where lingered the frost,
When the shadows of night from the gullies were gone
And the hills in the background were flushed by the dawn.
I was there in late years, but there's many a change
Where the Cudgegong River flows down through the range,
For the curse of the town with the railroad had come,
And the goldfields were dead. And the girl and the chum
And the old home were gone, yet the oaks seemed to speak
Of the hazy old days on Eurunderee Creek.
And I stood by that creek, ere the sunset grew cold,
When the leaves of the sheoaks are traced on the gold,
And I thought of old things, and I thought of old folks,
Till I sighed in my heart to the sigh of the oaks;
For the years waste away like the waters that leak
Through the pebbles and sand of Eurunderee Creek.
THE OLD BARK SCHOOL BY HENRY LAWSON - Historical plaque at Eurunderee SchoolTurn the Page by Bob Seger - Acoustic Cover by Kieran Wicks - Highway road curving into the distant outback rocky mountain near Cloncurry NW QLDVortex Rain Making Guns - Charleville QLD
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A polymathic touring musician, film maker, historian and producer, for the past 8 years Kieran Wicks has navigated the Great Southern Land of Australia performing hundreds of shows to ravenous audiences, whilst simultaneously developing a vast catalogue of interviews, images and videos in the production of multiple formative docuseries including 'One Town at a Time', which records his musical journey, immersed in poignant, forgotten Australian history and poetry, in archives such as 'Gold Rush Stories' and 'Poetry of the Pioneers'.

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